Winning with data science:
a product approach
Great things can happen when applied data science collides with human centred design. Yet, most companies are failing to see returns on their data science investments.
At Made by Many, we channel data expertise toward making brilliant digital products that unlock tangible results in the real world.
Our product approach gets straight to the point: we focus our cross-functional teams around your business challenge, and make, test and learn alongside users to create data-driven products that deliver meaningful value for them, and your business. It’s a proven methodology that we’ve used to deliver significant ROI for global companies.
We can help you to identify, develop and launch breakthrough data-driven digital products that fuel growth, drive efficiencies, and delight customers and employees alike.
Three product approach principles that will help you win at data-science

Make data-driven products and services that meet end-user needs
The danger with any data-driven product is that it becomes more about the sophistication of the technology than the value it delivers for the customer. Anchoring your ideas and models in solving real problems for real people will ensure that you focus on what matters most: enabling people to run better businesses. Bring your end-user front and centre throughout your process so that you never lose sight of the value you are creating for them.

Deliver tangible value, fast
There’s something about the word ‘data’ that seems to switch off the rational part of many peoples’ brains. Data science is complex but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Don’t get bogged down in lofty long-term plans. It can take some time to realise value from data and big plans are often discontinued before they’ve really begun. In our experience, most companies don’t realise the value of the data they’re already sitting on. We look for opportunities to deliver impact with data, fast - starting with underleveraged assets you already have.

Don’t create a new silo (data scientists are people too!)
Given the hype, many companies have hired data scientists willy nilly but they are often rendered useless because there’s no clear vision as to what they should do, or how they should work with existing teams. At Made by Many, data scientists are equal partners at every stage of the lifecycle: working with designers, engineers, business strategists and product managers throughout.
Take a look at some of the data science-driven products and services we’ve created with our clients

The data-powered bar

From unused inventory to new revenue growing subscription service
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