Since 2015 we’ve worked continuously with the World Economic Forum to extend its influence as a convenor of debate on critical questions of society, science, politics and economics.
A combined team of journalists, designers and engineers has over the past three years grown the audience from 1m to 6m unique users per month, reaching over 100 million people on owned and social media. The World Economic Forum, once known principally for its annual conference at Davos, now exerts year round influence with a platform that supports multiple conferences, communities and membership initiatives.
During the Davos summit, the platform serves more than half a million online visitors as well as Forum attendees; it’s a sophisticated machine with bespoke CMS, drag-and-drop editorial tools, workflow, syndication and social media management, integrated with a Salesforce content repository, the entire system massively increasing journalists' productivity.
Following launch in time for the Davos deadline in 2016 the World Economic Forum and Made by Many team have embarked on a programme of continuous adaptation and improvement. Recently we’ve added advanced analytics, social media workflow and queuing, inbound syndication management and open video debate. With over 7 million Facebook followers and massive social sharing of articles and videos on Linkedin and Twitter, the WEF is now operating one of the world’s most advanced, data-driven publishing platforms.