A sneak peak into #mxmsupperclub

One of my favourite things about working at Made by Many is the wonderful culture that is nurtured between us. One of our regular company gatherings' is the 'supper club' which is held roughly every three months, where we all have dinner at the office. There's usually a theme, and volunteers who want to cook bring in what they've made the night before, and we all sit at the big dining table, and have a lovely evening of feasting and drinking!
Last week saw the first Portuguese Supper club, where food was sourced and cooked by me and Nelson, the only Portuguese natives from the office. Here's a sneak peak into last Thursday's 'Portuguese Supper Club'!
Thank you to Alex (aka Garold) Barlow for his lovely photos below
Ana and Nelson
For more photos of #mxmsupperclub search for the hashtag on Instagram and you'll find many more photos from the Many :)

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