It was unbelievably exciting to get to speak at Kyoorius Designyatra (#kdy14) in India a couple of weeks ago. If you haven't heard of it it's a conference that attracts around 1500 delegates mainly from across Asia, and it's entering its 10th year.
The theme for this year was very simply 'What if...?': a wonderfully broad question and open canvas for talking about design and innovation. The conference was amazing and I think it's an event that more people from outside Asia should consider attending. I got far more out of a three-day single-track conference with a very thoughtfully curated programme, than I normally get out of much bigger events that have billions of talks going on in parallel.
Oh yeah - also, it's in Goa.
It's very difficult (check out the speaker list), but if I had to pick one speaker highlight, then it would have to be Todd Rovak (@toddrovak) from Fahrenheit 212 who presented an awesome talk on how innovation is a discipline that can be learnt, that you can get better at, and that can be predictable. I loved his analogy of Superman versus Batman as models for the way people approach innovation. We are not born with innovation superpowers (like Superman, who is by the way an alien), we have to train hard at developing the right innovation muscles, developing the right tools, and learning the skills - more like Batman (who is a tortured human just like us).
Kyoorius is an amazing event, and the 10th anniversary next year would be an excellent time to try it out.
I find it immensely embarrassing watching myself do a talk, but here is my talk - themed on six 'What if...?' questions that we've struggled, or are struggling, to answer at Made by Many over the past 7 years. The 32:9 format and huge LED screen were extremely awesome.