Front-end London One Day, the larger, day-long version of the free monthly meet-up hosted by Made by Many will be back in 2014! Get ready for a full day of cutting-edge, insightful talks about all aspects of front-end design and development.

We’re inviting the front-end community to submit talks for the event which takes place this year on October 4th in London. This Call for Presentations closes on August 24th.

If you think you have something to talk about, tell us all about it and we’d be more than happy to consider your entry. If you know someone who has a good talk, nominate them! If you are interested in hearing about a particular topic, nominate the topic and we’ll see what we can do about making it happen.

To submit your proposal or to ask us a question email:


  • Talks should be 30 minutes long, with time allowed afterward for Q&A.
  • Proposals should consist of a title and short description.
  • Submissions should be emailed to
  • There will be 8 speakers selected for the event.
  • The event will be held in Sadler’s Wells Theatre, Islington, London.
  • We may be able to cover your travel expenses, please get in touch if you’d like to know more (


We’re looking for speakers to cover a wide variety of topics around technologies, tools, processes, and experiences of front-end development. However, we’re not just looking for technical talks, we’d love to hear proposals on anything related to front-end development or of interest to our community of developers. For inspiration, a sample of previous topics is below.

We can help

We’re just as keen to hear from first-timers as we are seasoned speakers, so please do get in touch if you’d like to propose a talk. There could be any number of reasons why you don’t consider yourself a speaker, but there’s absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t be you up on that stage rather than anyone else. If you’ve never spoken at an event before, but would like to get involved, first read these words of encouragement then get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help you bring your proposal to life.

Get in touch:

The perks

We’re aiming to provide a great one day conference in the centre of London which won’t require attendees to take annual leave for as low a cost as is possible. As such, we can’t afford to pay speakers, but we hope that the warm and fuzzy feeling you get for giving something back to the community will be incentive enough. However, speakers will receive free entry to the rest of the event and if you need travel costs covered, then please let us know and we’ll do our best to help you out with that.

The selection process

Here’s roughly how we pick our talks:

First we anonymize submissions in order to eliminate bias for or against any speaker, then we open voting up to the community so that they can select the talks they want to see on the day. Each member of the public that registers on our voting website will have eight votes to cast for the proposals that they’d most like to see. Voting will start at the end of the submission process and will last for two weeks. At the end of the voting period we’ll de-anonymize the talks and announce the speakers.

Check out the voting app and the proposals from last years event.

Previous topics at Front-end London

Sample topics that we’d love to hear

  • Cutting-edge technological advances in the world of front-end development
  • New ideas & crazy hacks
  • Improving developers’ lives through tooling and process
  • Mobile web development
  • Hardware JS
  • Fundamentals, in a modern light
  • Performance and optimisation
  • And finally: whatever you want — this is your conference!
Andrew Walker

Andrew Walker CTO

Andrew joined Made by Many in 2010 with strong background in technical production work and technology strategy. He has over 10 years’ industry experience working across sectors including music, media, automotive and culture.

Andrew is co-founder of Front End London, the popular monthly meet-up for front-end developers.


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